Workout of the Month: 1.5K and 45s intervals


2 x 1.5K @moderate pace + 5 x 45s @fast + 2 x 1.5K @harder pace

Some workouts can be monotonous, but not this one! This session is a fun and engaging way to challenge your cardio fitness, hone your pacing skills, and to work on running technique.


Warm-up | Start at an easy and comfortable intensity for 10-20 minutes.

Stretching and Running Drills | Stop for a moment to stretch and activate major muscle groups (hamstrings, calf muscles, lower back). You can add-on some simple running drills, e.g. high knees drill, butt-kickers drill, skipping, short 50 meter strides.

Main set

2 x 1.5K run at your moderate pace with 2min recovery interval (jog, walk)

5-6 x 45s at your fast pace (but not sprinting!) with 1-2min recovery interval (jog, walk)

2 x 1.5K run at harder pace with 2min recovery interval (jog, walk)

5-10mins to cool down

Cool-down | easy jog for 10 minutes


Start the initial 1.5K intervals at a moderate pace (e.g. half-marathon or 10K race pace). It should feel challenging but sustainable. Try to stay relaxed and find a good rhythm. Take at least 2 minutes to recovery between intervals, either lightly jogging or walking.

The 45s intervals should be faster (~75-80% of your maximal speed). However, speed shouldn’t come at the expense of good running form. You can still be relaxed and efficient while running fast. Increase your step rate, try to be lighter on your feet (fast push-off and no over-striding), and tighten your core. Concentrate on how well you are running, rather than worrying too much about how fast you are running.

Now for round two of the 1.5K intervals. This time try to up the pace, maybe another 10-15s faster than the first set. Try to translate the same lightness in your stride from the 45s intervals. These should feel tough, but there are only 2 to complete!

If you are not sure how to determine your pace for this session, try using an app to calculate your steady and interval pace. Use a recent race performance as a guide. (Note, this can be trickier for trail runners!). I like using this one: VdotO2 app (

Trail running options

You can complete this session on trails. Complete all 1.5K intervals on undulating terrain. Choose runnable trails without technical segments. Focus on transitioning smoothly between uphill and downhill, maintaining an even level of effort (e.g., dropping running pace for uphill segments and accelerating during downhill bits).

For the 45s intervals, choose a stretch of the trail with a moderate-to-steep incline. Focus on driving powerfully from your hips and help yourself with stronger arm swing. Use the downhill as your recovery interval.

Have fun training and feel free to comment!

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